Welcome to the Homepage of the American Statistical Association North Texas Chapter
Latest news
The 2024 ASA Traveling Short Course, "Data Visualization With R," by Dr. Aaron R. Williams (Urban Institute), will be held at UT Dallas on October 18 (Friday), 2024. Click here for more details. Registration is open now.
The 43rd Conference of Texas Statisticians (COTS) will be held at Houston Methodist Hospital on May 9 and 10, 2024. Click here for more details.
SMU will be hosting the next Schucany Lecture presented by Dr. David Banks (Duke) on April 19, 2024.
The chapter officer election results were announced at the chapter meeting on March 21, 2024. For the term 2024-25, For the 2024-25 term, we are pleased to introduce Dr. Qiwei Li (UT Dallas) as President and our newly elected officers: Chul Moon (SMU) as Vice President, Julia Kozlitina (UT Southwestern) as Chapter Representative, Sy Han Chiou (SMU) as Treasurer, and Kevin Lutz (UT Southwestern) as Secretary. Congratulations to all!
The local seminar information in Spring 2024 has been updated here.
Who are we?
The American Statistical Association (ASA) North Texas Chapter is a vibrant community of all people interested in statistics, data science, and analytics broadly defined, who live in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and surrounding regions. Our chapter is led by professionals from the local universities or companies.
Our missions
To bring together data enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds, education, and occupations in academia, industry, government, and beyond
To provide education for high schoolers, undergraduates, graduates, and professionals at any stage of their careers.
To sponsor local scientific activities that benefit students of statistics and professional statisticians
To make society aware of statistics as advanced science and valuable to many practical affairs
Meet us in spring and fall
ASA North Texas Chapter holds chapter meetings twice a year, usually on Thursday evenings.
The local universities, Southern Methodist University (SMU), University of Texas at Arlington (UT Arlington), and University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas), host weekly statistics seminars, usually on Friday.